The Phagovet Project – Partners
ALS Life Sciences is present in Portugal and Spain with several accredited laboratories and a highly qualified team. In the Iberian Peninsula, ALS has a team of over 170 people rendering laboratory services, consulting, auditing, training, inspection and development of informatics solutions, custom-made for each client. Read more…
The Poultry Quality and Animal Nutrition Center of the Valencia Region (CECAV) was created in Spain in 2007 with the goal to provide the necessary tools for guaranteeing animal health and the quality of animal products, from animal feed to slaughterhouses, going through the primary production in farms. Read more..
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is one of the major public Universities of Spain. The Molecular Microbiology Group (MolMicroG) of this University is a consolidated research group with a trajectory of more than 35 years. Its research is focussed on phage biotechnological uses, the search of bacterial targets for new antimicrobials development and, the investigation of bacterial high-affinity iron uptake systems as targets for immunotherapy. Read more…
Based in Belgium, Vetworks is an independent consultancy agency providing technical support, project management and support to the animal production and veterinary pharmaceutical industry. Vetworks is specialized in auditing smaller and larger breeder, layer and broiler operations, with focus on management and veterinary aspects of the production. Vetworks also offers poultry health training courses. Read more..